CPG Supply Chain Connect 2024

November 05 - 06, 2024

The Westin Grand, Berlin

Denis Morgenthaler

Vice President Global Supply Chain Management Bayer

Denis Morgenthaler is working since more than 21 years in the pharmaceutical industry as servant and horizontal leader with Passion for Patients, Acting on Convictions and Driven by Purpose. After first international experience in Production and Quality Assurance for Volkswagen in Mexico, followed by consultancy at Accenture, he joined the pharmaceutical industry in 2002 in Procurement (R&D and Product Supply GMP services incl. contract development and manufacturing ). Later he moved to supply chain management being responsible for new product introductions like Xarelto, Adempas and steering global supply chains of Bayer Pharma. In 2016 he took over the SCM Portfolio Management for all PH products including also Radiology and Biotech products. Since 2021 he is leading as head of Global Supply Management of Steriles & Devices teams in Berlin, Basel, Barcelona and Pittsburgh with a focus on products like Eylea, Kovaltry, Betaferon, Xofigo, Contrast Media, Radiology devices. Recently he took over an additional role as Pharma Architect of the new operating model called Dynamic Shared Ownership (DSO). When he is not working, he spends time with the family, doing sports like volleyball, snowboarding, hiking or just meeting with friends.

Day One | 5th November

9:20 AM Panel Discussion: How can you adapt your global supply chain strategy and digital capabilities to improve VUCA resilience?

  • How to navigate component shortages, transportation issues, energy costs and geopolitical tensions
  • What’s the best way to embrace VUCA paradigm to reshape decision making foster resilience?
  • How can you leverage organisational agility to anticipate and cope with uncertainty?
  • What tools can help navigate geopolitical scenarios with caution and foresight?

2:05 PM Panel Discussion Interactive: How to build empowered leadership, prevent burnout, cultivate a healthy culture and attract top talent to achieve organisational excellence

  • Foster a culture that attracts and retains top talent through authentic leadership
  • Implement strategies that sustain success, prevent burnout and retain key people
  • Create an environment where innovation thrives, and your organization can achieve its full potential

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Denis.

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